(this class extends Appointment class) private int id; private Address startAddress; private Address destinationAddress; private String terminal; private String description; private Customer customer; private long appointmentStartDateStamp; private long appointmentEndDateStamp; private float payment; private String paymentMethod; private String name; private long phone; private String email; private Address address; private int number; private String street; private String city; private String State; private long zip;
// Complete the following class public class ReadWriteRandomAccessFile { public static CabAppointment read(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException { CabAppointment cabApointment = new CabAppointment(); // read fields from the file and popuplate the cabApointment object cabApointment.setId(raf.readInt()); String name = FixedLengthStringIO.readFixedLengthString(ICabAppointmentRecord.NAME_LENGTH, raf); cabApointment.getCustomer().setName(name); ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- } public static void write(CabAppointment cabApointment, RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException { // write fields from cabApointment object to random access file raf.writeInt(cabApointment.getId()); FixedLengthStringIO.writeFixedLengthString(cabApointment.getCustomer().getName(), ICabAppointmentRecord.NAME_LENGTH, raf); ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- } =========================================================================================================== public interface ICabAppointmentRecord { String CabAppointmentFile = "CabAppointmentFile.dat"; int NUMBER_LENGTH = 4; int STREET_LENGTH = 15; int CITY_LENGTH = 15; int STATE_LENGTH = 15; int ZIP_LENGTH = 8; int ADDRESS_LENGTH = NUMBER_LENGTH + ZIP_LENGTH + (STREET_LENGTH + CITY_LENGTH + STATE_LENGTH) * 2; int NAME_LENGTH = 15; int PHONE_LENGTH = 8; int EMAIL_LENGTH = 30; int CUSTOMER_LENGTH = PHONE_LENGTH + (NAME_LENGTH + EMAIL_LENGTH) * 2 + ADDRESS_LENGTH; int ID_LENGTH = 4; int APPOINTMENT_START_DATE_LENGTH = 8; int APPOINTMENT_END_DATE_LENGTH = 8; int PAYMENT_LENGTH = 4; int PAYMENT_METHOD_LENGTH = 12; int APPOINTMENT_LENGTH = CUSTOMER_LENGTH + ID_LENGTH + APPOINTMENT_START_DATE_LENGTH + APPOINTMENT_END_DATE_LENGTH + PAYMENT_LENGTH + (PAYMENT_METHOD_LENGTH * 2); int TERMINAL_LENGTH = 15; int DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 30; int SIZE_OF_CAB_APPOINTMENT = APPOINTMENT_LENGTH + (ADDRESS_LENGTH * 2) + (TERMINAL_LENGTH + DESCRIPTION_LENGTH) * 2; }
import; import; import; public class FixedLengthStringIO { /** * Read fixed number of characters from a DataInput stream */ public static String readFixedLengthString(int size, DataInput in) throws IOException { // Declare an array of characters char[] chars = new char[size]; // Read fixed number of characters to the array for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { chars[i] = in.readChar(); } return new String(chars); } /** * Write fixed number of characters to a DataOutput stream */ public static void writeFixedLengthString(String s, int size, DataOutput out) throws IOException { if (s == null || s.length() <= 1) { s = "NA"; } char[] chars = new char[size]; try { // Fill in string with characters s.getChars(0, Math.min( s.length(), size), chars, 0); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } // Fill in blank characters in the rest of the array for (int i = Math.min(s.length(), size); i < chars.length; i++) { chars[i] = ' '; } // Create and write a new string padded with blank characters out.writeChars(new String(chars)); } }