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C Snippets
Py Spark
React Native
Find particular character position from the string
_Exit - Exit program without using exit() function
40w LED Gobo Projector M Model factory
abort - Exit the program without exit() function
Abs - Returns Absolute Value of an Integer
Absolute loader
Accepting a number and display its table
acos - Returns the value of cosine
acosh - Returns the value of hyperbolic cosine of value as argument
Add digits of number
Add digits of a number - Using recursion Function
Add 'n' number
Add 'n' number's using/with Array
Addition program
Addition without using third variable
Adding the numbers cumulatively - Repeated addition of numbers
Addition of 2 numbers with pointers concept
Addition of two complex numbers
Area of a Circle
By the numbers
Area of a Rectangle
Armstrong Number
Generating Armstrong Numbers
Armstrong Number
ASCII Code For Character
Ascii Example
asin - Returns sine value
asinh - Returns hyperbolic sine of value
atan - Returns tangent of value
atan2 - Returns tangent of a/b
atanh - Returns hyperbolic tangent for the value
atexit - Exit from the program while it cause function calling problem
atof - Converts string into float value(Addition of 2 Values)
atof - Converts String to float value
Create a program to get input number less than 1000 and print the same number in words
atoi - Converts the String to integer value
atol - Converts the string into long int value
atoll - Converts string into long long integer value
AVL Tree
Biggest of N numbers Using Array
Biggest of three number using conditional operator without user input
Biggest Of Three Numbers Using Conditional operator/Ternary Operator
Binary search
Binary Search Tree
Binary Tree Traversal
Bitwise Operation Explanation
Bitwise Operator's
Body Worn Camera price
bsearch - performs a binary search on the sorted array buf
Bubble sort algorithm
Bubble sort algorithm using function
Bubble Sort on one dimensional array
C Keywords
C Program to Count number of digits in number without using mod operator
C program to find the Prime Number
Calculate either square or cube of n depending on whether n is even or odd
Calculator program
calloc - Allocating memory for the pointer
cbrt - Returns Cube Root value
ceil - Determine largest integer greater than or equal to argument
Character position
Find the Position of the Given Character from a String
CharAt() - Find the Character at the Given Position
CharAt() - Returns the Character of the given position
Chat app - TCP
Checking Whether the Mouse is available or not
Circle Attribute in Computer Graphic
Compare numbers using an array
compiler code
compiler code
Compiler Design Lab Programs/Manual
Tokens - Separating Identifier Keyword Condition Punctuators Branching Controls
Syntax Tree Expression Generation
Conditional execution
Conditional or Ternary Operator Usage
Convert a Fibonacci tree to Fibonacci search tree
Copy one file to another file
copysignf - Returns the positive interger as negative
cos - Calculates Cosine value
cos - Returns the cosine for the value
cosh - Calculates hyperbolic cosine
CRC Generation In Computer Networks
Cream Bottle manufacturers
Datatypes Sample
DDA Line Drawing Program
Decimal to binary conversion
Decimal to binary Conversion of a String
Delete an element from an array
Determine Which Mouse Button is Clicked
Display Value with Positive Symbol
div - returns the quotient and the remainder by using Structure
Double Linked List
employee db
Enqueue and Dequeue
erf - Returns Error Function of Value
erfc - Returns the complementary error function for the value
exit - Terminate the Program
exp - Raising the exponential e to the xth power
exp2 - Returns two raised to the argument power
expm1 - Returns the natural log 'e' raised to the argument power
fabs - Finds absolute value of Float
fabs - Returns absolute value of number
Factorial program
Factorial program using function
Factorial program using recursion
Factorial Using Loops and Recurrsive Functions
fclose - Closes the file
fdim - Returns zero if a is less than or equal to b else returns difference of a and b
ferror - Check File Errors
fflush - Force the buffer contents to be written to the file
Fflush explation
fgetc - Gets character from the stream and increments the file position pointer
fgetpos - Moves the file position pointer which is from fgetpos()
fgets - Reads the file upto NULL pointer
Fibonacci series
Fibonacci series using loop
Fibonacci series using recursion
Compute nth fibonacci term
Fibonacci series using recursion
File Transfer Using TCP
Find frequency of characters in a string
Find GCD of three numbers using recursion
Find Odd or Even Program
Find Odd or Even using Bitwise Operator
Find Odd or Even using modulus Operator
Find Odd or Even Using Conditional Operator
Find the frequency of zeros in the given number
Finger Strap For Phones manufacturers
floor - Finds smallest integer less than or equal to argument
Floyd Triangle
Floyds Triangle
Floyd's Triangle
fmal - Returns rounding value
fmax - Returns maximum of 2 number
fmin - Returns minimum of 2 numbers
fmod - Returns remainder of 2 values
fmod - Finds floating-point remainder
fopen - Opens file by using file pointer
Binary Read operation
fprintf - Diplay the Values/Strings from file to Stream
fputc - Writes a character to the stream
fputs - Writes string to the stream
fread - Reads The number of objects and Stores
free - Returns memory to the heap
freopen - Associates existing stream with a different file
frexp() - Returns number into mantissa range value
fscanf - Reading the line by line from the file until the end of file
fseek - Move to the File position Specified by the user
ftell - Returns Current position of file pointer
Function Pointer in C
fwrite - Count number of objects
GCD - Greatest Common Divisor using Functions
GCF of two numbers
Generate Random Number
Random number generation
Random number generation for turbo c compiler
Generate Random Numbers using function
rand - Generates sequences of Pseudonumbers
Generates a random 3x3 matrix and calculate the inverse matrix
getc - Reads character from stream
getchar - Read a character from stdin
getdate - Returns the System Date
getenv - Get Environmental Information from the pointer "PATH" as arrgument
gets - Reads characters from stdin
Getting Poistion of Mouse Pointer
Guessing Game
HCF and LCM using recursion
HCF or GCD of three numbers using Conditional or ternary Operator
Heap Sort
Hello World using string
hypot - Calculates hypotenuse of right triangle
Identifer For Integer Datatype
Identifier for long integer number
Identifiers for float and long values
infix to postfix conversion
Inserting Element in Array
Insertion sort algorithm - Ascending Order
Int to Octal conversion
Integet Datatype
Integet to Lower Case HexaDecimal conversion
Integet to upper Case HexaDecimal conversion
Invisible/Hide Mouse Pointer
IP Address Program
IP Address Program for Linux
Program to Get the IP Address
isalnum - Find whether the given character is alphanumeric or not
isalpha - Find whether the given character is alphabetic or not
isdigit - Find whether the given character is Numeric or not
islower - Find whether the given character is lowercase or not
isspace - Find whether the given character is whitespace or not
isupper - Find whether the given character is uppercase or not
isxdigit - Find whether the given character is HexaDecimal Digit or not
labs - Returns Long absolute value of num
Largest value in the given array
Biggest value in the array using pointers
Largest value in the given array in C program
ldiv - Returns the quotient and remainder for Long div structure value
Leap Year - Returns Whether the year is leap or not
Left Justify
Left Justify in printf
Left-Justify For Character
Linear search
Linear search for multiple occurrences
Linear search using function
List files in directory
llabs - Returns long long absolute value of num
log - Calculates natural logarithm for the value
log10 - Calculates base 10 logarithm
malloc - allocate memory
Matrix Programs
Inverse Matrix of 3x3
Addition Of Two Matrix
Subtract matrices
Transpose a matrix
Matrix multiplication
Maximum element in array using pointers
mblen - Get the length of a multibyte character from the given string
mbstowcs - Converts string pointer in into character array value
mbtowc - Convert pointer into normal character String
memchr - Search the Buffer by passing value
memcmp - Compares the first count characters between 2 pointers
memcpy - Copies the Contents and memory
memmove - Shift the characters
memset - Copies the Character into Buffer
Merge Array - Merge two array
Merge Sort
Merge sort
Merge Sort Program in C
Message transfer between nodes using CRC
Mineral Water Purifier Machine factory
Minimum element in array
Minimum element in array using pointers
modf - Seperate Round Value and fractorial Part
Natural Numbers
nCr and nPr
Nested Structure Program
Obtaining Mouse Pointer on Screen in Graphic Mode
Obtaining Mouse Pointer On the Screen in TextMode
one pass assembler
One Pass Macro processor program
Open Shortest Path First Routing Protocol
Opening File
Merging the Files
Palindrome without using string functions
Palindrome using functions
Palindrome programming for numbers (Arithmetic functions)
Pascal triangle
Pass 1 of 2 pass Macro Processor
Pass 2 of 2 pass Macro Processor
pass one of a direct-linking loader
pass two of a direct-linking loader
pass one of a two pass assembler
pass two of a two pass assembler
perror - Display the error by using the default function
Polynomial Addtion
pow - Calculates a value raised to a power
Prime number check
Prime number or not
Generating n Prime Numbers
Prime number using function
Prims Alogrithm
Print a String
Print Diamond Pattern
Print star pattern
print string
Print The Character by condition
printf - Print a String
printf - Print Multiple Arguments
printf - Print a Character
Priority Queue with heap
Pro Studio Plastic Speaker
Program For All Combination of the Given String
Program to display the Date and Time
Program to find whether the string contains numbers or not
Find the Number Present in Given String or not
Program Using TCP Socket: CLIENT-SERVER
putc - Write the Charcater in the file
putchar - Print to the stdout
puts - Writes the string to the standard output device
qsort - Sorts the array buffer using Quicksort Algorithm
Quick Sort
realloc - Reallocates the memory spaces
Reboot / Restart Your a PC
Reclining Power Wheelchairs Pricelist
Relocating Loader
remove - Removing/Delete File from the disk
Delete File from Storage
Remove spaces,blanks from a string
Remove spaces, blanks from a string using pointers
remove voewel
Remove vowels string
Remove vowels string using pointers
Rename - Change the File name
Restriction for Mouse Pointers
Restriction for Mouse Pointers in a circle
Retrieving Pointer Address
Reverse a number
reverse a string
Reverse string
Reverse a string using pointers
Reverse a string using recursion
Reverse The String Using FOR Loop
Reversing Array variable
Reverse array by swapping
rewind - Moves the file position pointer back to the start
Right Justify
Rotary Evaporator
Routing Protocols Using Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)
read input
skip the integer between the two strings
scanf - see the number you entered
segread - Returns current values of segment registers
Selection sort algorithm
Selection Sort(arrays)
setvbuf - sets the buffer for stream to be buffer, with a size of
Shell Sort
Simple interest calculation
Simulation of ARP/RARP
sin - Calculates sine
Single linked list
Single Linked List - Elements in Ascending Order
sinh - Calculates hyperbolic sine
snprintf - identical to sprintf() except that a maximum of num-1 characters will be stored
Sorting String
sprintf - is identical to printf() except that the output is a char array
sqrt - Finds square root
srand - sets a starting point for the sequence generated by rand()
sscanf - identical to scanf() except that data is from pointer buf
sscanf vs scanf
Standard Deviation using Function
Steel Pipe manufacturers
String concatenation without strcat
strcat - concatenates a copy of str2 to str1 and terminates str1 with a null
strchr - returns a pointer to the first occurrence of ch in str or a null pointer if not found
compare two strings without using strcmp
compare two strings using pointers
strcmp - lexicographically compares two strings
strcoll - compares the str1 to*str2 in accordance with the locale(specified using the setlocale() function
strcpy using pointers
strcpy - copies str2 into str1. str2 must be a pointer to a null-terminated string
strcspn - returns the index of the first character in str1 that matches any of the characters in str2
strerror - Returns error message associated with the errnum
strerror - Returns the error
String Compare Using String Functions
String Comparison Without String Function
strlen - Find length of the String
String Length - Without using strlen
Function to find string length
Change string to lower case without strlwr
strncat - Concatenates not more than count characters of str2 to str1 and terminates str1 with a null
strncmp - Lexicographically compares not more than count characters
strncpy - Copies up to count characters from str2 to str1
strpbrk - Returns a pointer to the first character in str1 that matches any character in str2
strrchr - Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of character in string
strspn - Returns the index of the first character in str1 that does not match any of the characters in str2
strstr - Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of str2 in str1 or a null pointer if there str2 is not part of str1
strtod - Converts the string into a double and returns the result
strtof - Converts the string into a float and returns the result
strtol - Converts the string into a long double and returns the result
strtoll - Converts the string into a long long and returns the result
strtoul - converts the string into an unsigned long int according to the base of the number
strtoull - Similar to strtoul() except that it returns an unsigned long long int
strupr - Returns UpperCase of the string
Change string to upper case without strupr
strxfrm - Returns the length of the transformed string
Substraction Program
substrings of a string
Swapping two numbers
Swapping of two numbers without third variable
swap 2 numbers using pointers
Swapping numbers using call by reference
Swapping using bitwise XOR
Swapping numbers using Call by Value
Swapping two numbers without using thrid variable with pointers in C
Swapping two strings using call by value
Difference between call by value and call by reference
Swapping two strings with Temporary Variable
Swappin by using strcpy function
swapping without variable for turbo c
Symbol table
Symbol Table With Hashing
system - Passing String as a command to the command Processor
System software Programs
tan - Calculates tangent
tanh - Calculates hyperbolic tangent
Text Editor in system software
tmpfile - Open temporary file and read/write and returns
tmpnam - Generates a unique filename
To Enter A hidden password Using getch() function
toLower - Tests character and converts to lowercase if uppercase
toUpper - Tests character and converts to uppercase if lowercase
Tree Sort
UDP Client
UDP Server
ungetc - Put a character back to the input stream
Using Printf Arguments
Vowel Or Not
Check vowel using switch statement
Function to check vowel
wcstombs - Converts Pointer Name into Pointer Name out
wholesale 50w Wall Mount ATEX Explosion Proof Flood Light
wholesale 50w Wall Mount ATEX Explosion Proof Flood Light
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