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BOXING and UNBOXING - Study in C#

The existence of both reference types (classes) and value types (structs, enums and primitive types) is one of those things that makes object-oriented programming more efficient.

The key distinction between the two types is where they stored in memory:
Value types > on the stack
Classes > on the heap and are referred to by one or more stack-based references.

One of C#’s notable advantages over Java is that C# makes this process transparent.

The processes called boxing and unboxing wrap and unwrap a value type in an object.
Thus, the INT primitive type can be boxed into an object of the class Int32, a bool is boxed into a Boolean, etc.

Boxing and unboxing happen transparently between a variable declared as the value type and its equivalent class type.

Thus, you can write code like the following:
  1. bool b = true;
  2. Boolean referenceType1 = b; //Boxing
  3. bool valueType2 = referenceType1; //Unboxing

You should know:
There is one value type for which the benefits of boxing and unboxing become apparent immediately: the string.
