Choose Category
#include <stdio.h> typedef struct Employee { char fname[20]; char lname[20]; char sub_taken[20]; char last_edu[20]; char join_date[20]; int id; int age; float bsal; }Employee; int main(void) { int id; FILE *fp,*ft; char another,choice; Employee emp; char fname[20]; char lname[20]; long int recsize; fp=fopen("EMP.DAT","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { fp=fopen( "EMP.DAT","wb+"); if(fp==NULL) { printf("Can't Open File"); exit(); } } recsize=sizeof(emp); while(1) { printf("1.Add Records2.Delete Records3.Modify Records4.ListRecords5.Exit"); printf("Enter your choice"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&choice); switch(choice) { case'1': fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); another='Y'; while(another=='Y'|| another=='y') { printf("Enter the first name,last name,age and basic salary : "); scanf("%s %d %f",emp.fname,&emp.age,&emp.bsal); printf("Enter joining date,id,last education,subject taken"); scanf("%s %d %s %s",emp.join_date,&,emp.last_edu,emp.sub_taken); fwrite(&emp,recsize,1,fp); printf("Add another Record (Y/N): "); fflush(stdin); another=getchar(); } break; case '2': another='Y'; while(another=='Y'|| another=='y') { printf("Enter the id of the employee to be deleted : "); scanf("%d",&id); ft=fopen("TEMP.DAT","wb"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&emp,recsize,1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,id)!=0) fwrite(&emp,recsize,1,ft); } fclose(fp); fclose(ft); remove("EMP.DAT"); rename("TEMP.DAT","EMP.DAT"); fp=fopen("EMP.DAT","rb+"); printf("Delete another Record(Y/N): "); fflush(stdin); another=getchar(); } break; case '3': another='Y'; while(another=='Y'|| another=='y') { printf("Enter name of employee to modify : "); scanf("%s",emp.fname); rewind(fp); while(fread(&emp,recsize,1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,id)==0) { printf("Enter new fname,new lname,age,basicsalary,joining_date,subject taken and last education : "); scanf("%s%s%d%f%s%s%s",emp.fname,emp.lname,&emp.age,&emp.bsal,emp.join_date,emp.sub_taken,emp.last_edu); fseek(fp,-recsize,SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&emp,recsize,1,fp); break; } } printf("Want to Modify another record(Y/N): "); fflush(stdin); another=getchar(); } break; case '4': rewind(fp); while(fread(&emp,recsize,1,fp)==1) printf("%s %s %d%g",emp.fname,emp.lname,emp.age,emp.bsal,emp.join_date,emp.last_edu,emp.sub_taken); break; case '5': fclose(fp); exit(); } } }