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Binary Search Tree #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define null 0 typedef struct tree*node; node insert(int,node t); void find(node t,int x); node findmin(node t); void findmax(node t); void display(node t); struct tree { int data; struct tree*right,*left; }*root; void main() { node t=null; int data,s,i=0,n,x,ch; char c; clrscr(); printf("\n enter the number of elements in the tree\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("elements are:\n"); while(i<n) { scanf("%d",&data); t=insert(data,t); i++; } printf("1.find\t2.findmin\t3.findmax\t4.display\t5.delete\t6.exit"); do { printf("\n enter your choice\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("enter the element to search\n"); scanf("%d",&s); find(t,s); break; case 2: findmin(t); break; case 3: findmax(t); break; case 4: printf("elements displayed in inorder format\n"); display(t); break; default: printf("exit"); exit(0); } } while(ch<9); getch(); } node insert(int x,node t) { struct tree*newnode; newnode=malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); if(newnode==null) printf("out of space\n"); else { if(t==null) { newnode->data=x; newnode->left=null; newnode->right=null; t=newnode; } else { if(x<t->data) t->left=insert(x,t->left); else t->right=insert(x,t->right); } } return t; } void find(node t,int x) { if(t==null) printf("search element not found"); else { if(t->data==x) printf("search element %d is found",x); else if(x<t->data) find(t->left,x); else find(t->right,x); } } node findmin(node t) { if(t!=null) { if(t->left==null) { printf("\n the minimum element in the tree is %d",t->data); return t; } else findmin(t->left); } } void findmax(node t) { if(t!=null) { if(t->right==null) printf("\n the maximum element in the tree is %d",t->data); else findmax(t->right); } } void display(node t) { if(t!=null) { display(t->left); printf("%d\t",t->data); display(t->right); } }